Sunday, January 8, 2017

Lia & Tosh - Week 5 "Persistent Clogs & Sims"

Saturday morning Tosh was called out to get rid of a leak due to some Sim clogging up the pipes with potato peelings. He went there Saturday, but ended up failing miserably to clear the clog. While he was gone, Lia wanted to go to Painting Class so he went too after he finished up at the Corsican Bistro.

Tosh was challenged to do a 4 hour work out for life-achievement...Needless to say, he didn't look too happy while doing it.

Family mealtime

Second try on Sunday to clear the clog proved to be successful.

Lia typing her Drama which proved to be a good-seller.

Gobias intending on talking to Liandra decided to come over to see if he could talk to her. Unfortunately he got intercepted by Tosh who immediately struck up a conversation and deflected him from disrupting her so that she could finish off her painting.

Monday Morning and another ugly clog, this time at home.

Needless to say, Lia wasn't too impressed by the fountains of water. But that didn't prevent her from taking her painting to Molly French who was curt but thanked her for her efforts and paid her accordingly.

On Wednesday, Lia opts to go to a Spa Day which she thoroughly enjoys then goes out for a burger afterwards.

Then in the evening after realizing that Tosh has come down to Central Park to play for tips. She opts to go play in front of the theatre for tips of her own. She made over §300 in tips, while Tosh took in only §230.

That promptly made Tosh challenge her to a "play-for-tips" battle at Central Park.

Concession never came so sweet...Lia earned §351 while Tosh earned §735.

Then it was dinner at Hogan's Bistro for some hamburgers.

Friday night was supposed to be a quiet night at home, until Gobias Koffi showed up again. Lia lost her temper and told him to SHOO! Evidently it took him a while to figure that out. Though of course...I've heard some unsettling scuttlebutt about his orientation. Maybe he's trying to go after Tosh?!

But finally Friday night, Lia and Tosh were able to enjoy their late night.

Lia & Tosh - Week 4 "Making Simoleons"

I told you guys that there wasn't enough space in this home to trip over a cat. Yeah...they've got home gym equipment too because it was a wish of Tosh's. Extravagant bugger with no common sense for financial security.

Week 4 involved Lia making at least 360§ in book royalties, and receiving a contract to deliver $450.00 worth of paintings to Little Corsican Bistro so she's painting her little heart out.

Tosh on the other hand is playing down at Central Park for tips.

Lia wants to learn a new guitar composition so she's heading down to the bookstore to buy a music book after she freshens up.

Lia has a desire to come down to Desidaru's Books to buy herself a new guitar song.'s lots of fun to get out of the house to avoid going stir-crazy.

Not wanting to go back home to be by her lonesome, she opts instead to go over to Central Park where Tosh is playing his heart out to try and get more tips so they can eat and pay the bills one more day. He, of course, is surrounded by adoring fans.

Lia decides to get her groove on and dance with some firefighter...then by herself.

Eventually Tosh calls it an evening and they both go out to dinner at Hogan's Bistro. Of course he has to go talk to Victoria Andrews about her bet that he couldn't make over $500.00 in tips. Yeah... he busted that milestone easily. It was late night by the time that he got back so they both promptly went to sleep. Evidently all Lia can think about while dreaming is "walking down the aisle".

In the morning after morning ablutions, she sets out to the Little Corsican Bistro to keep up her end of the contract to hand over 450§ worth of paintings to display in the restaurant.

After tripping over the gym equipment too many times, Lia and Tosh decided to make a new addition adding a new bedroom to their home. This makes the place officially a one bedroom home. Of course, they'll have to wait to put siding on the walls until they break §10K.

With a ton of writing and painting...AND...guitar playing to do. Lia has a lot on her plate.

The little floaty numbers are the § that Tosh is earning from playing at Central Park on a Friday afternoon.

Lia & Tosh - Weeks 1-3 "Humble Beginnings"

Welcome to the restart of Lia and Tosh and their Sim-lives. They started out in the out-of-the-way property up along Pinochle Place Drive. It's a small house...practically NO bedrooms, just a sleeping area that is separated by a half-wall. The bathroom is the only other separate room in the home. But as small as the place is, it is a start. And it still leaves them at least 3000§ for them to start their lives together.

They did spend some time trying to get to know each other before moving into their house. The view is fantastic from that property and it's decadent in its solitude: no other neighbors to speak of.

The first week was trying to get Tosh to Level 5 in music ability so that he could play guitar at the Central Park.

In Week 3 he was able to take the plunge with Lia.